Post-Secondary Institution Proposal System
Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
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Degree Authorization
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Welcome to the Post-secondary Institution Proposal System. This web-based system is designed to manage and support the post-secondary submission and review processes for:
BC public institutions offering degree and non-degree programs.
Private institutions and out-of-province public institutions seeking consent to offer degree programs or use the word "university" in British Columbia.
To use the system you must have a valid user ID and password issued by the ministry. Please see our
frequently asked questions
page for information on system access and for links to proposal
guidelines and templates
for the non-degree program review process for BC public institutions.
Information on the degree program application and review process for BC public institutions and out-of-province public institutions may be found on the
degree authorization web site
If you are a registered user and are unable to log in, please contact the Degree Quality Assessment Board Secretariat at 250-356-9734.